
 Christine Adderson

 Isla Adderson

Student Program 


 What We Offer









...to ForTheHorse!


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Our holistic, educational equine farm and equine rescue, in the heart of the Canadian Shuswap Highlands, is like no other!! 

Join us at our School to study Légèreté as well as the many other equine areas of study that we offer.

Our Vision:
We bring the worlds of humans and horses together with respect and dignity.

Our Mission:

To provide the highest quality educational and vocational programs to enrich the lives of riders and horses on an environmentally respectful, organic farm.

Values we are committed to:

  • Complete respect and understanding of equines
  • Responsible land and animal stewardship
  • Excellence in farm management, programs, operations, people
  • Exceptional caring support for our program participants to ensure their safety and well being
  • Honest, equitable and non-discriminatory treatment of all
  • Technological innovation
  • Teamwork and collaboration

Requests from our horses that we are committed to:

  • Live in a herd with a variety of ages of horses, much like nature, where therer is a mixture of males and females to interact with.

  • Access to good quality organic/wild hay and pasture with a mixture of forage for nutrition and roughage.

  • Access to shelter from the elements and bugs in the summer.

  • Free running clean water to drink and play in.

  • Lots of room to move; run, gallop and play.

  • A safe living space.

  • Humans in my life who care about me and look after my health, injuries and are there for me, even when I grow old.

  • Fresh air to breathe.

  • Humans who know how my body moves underneath them when they ride me.

  • Humans wo understand how I think and know how to communicate with me.

  • Humans who know when I am in pain.

  • Humans who are evolved and developed enough to set aside their egos so that I can teach them.


From cantankerous, unwanted, mischievous pony, to partner of the world's youngest Parelli Level 2 rider, to a kind and patient teacher, this is the story of Sunny... read more here

Honourary Members of ForTheHorse here

ForTheHorse:  7748 Skimikin Road, Chase, BC, Canada      

Photo credits:  ForTheHorse and Candice Camille

Copyright © 2018 ForTheHorse.com  all rights reserved

Intellectual Property  Pictures and text on the ForTheHorse website are protected by law and are not royalty free.

Christine Adderson and Merlin

Isla Adderson and Jota

Spanish Walk


Trail Ride


 Philippe Karl, Isla Adderson and Jota